The Hosts
"But I Love My Pet - Real Talk" is a captivating and informative series that delves into the world of veterinary care and the challenges encountered by pet owners. Hosted by Dr. Joe J Owens III and Mr. Ronnie F. Lee, also known as UnC, , the show offers candid discussions that bridge the gap between medical expertise and consumer perspectives. Together, they confront real-world pet ownership issues related to time, finances, and pet health.
Dr. Joe J. Owens
Ronnie F. Lee, A.K.A. Unc
A 12-year veteran in the veterinary industry, Tuskegee graduate, former associate turned clinic owner, Medical director, and inventor, as he hosts an engaging show that delves into the often untold stories of pet ownership.
A pet owner with a background in business development at all levels, US Army veteran, and multilingual former artist who has built and assisted in the sale of several veterinary practices.